physical. 09/09/15

Carmen. Press.
Carmen. Press.


“Corpse Without a Soul” 6:58
(Mercyful Fate– “The Beginning”)

8 Kettlebell halo (35lb. W, 55lb. M- Change direction each rep)
8 Kettlebell full-range high pull @ same

Count rounds and half-rounds completed in 6:58. Today: Dry-run each movement with chosen weight- Once we start, it stays with us. If position breaks in movement, remainder of time is spent holding the weight in a static position.

Note: Today, if kettlebell is dropped or placed on the ground prior to expiration of time, workout ends and 100 burpees commence.

Then, 4 rounds of:

2 reps “Hollow position complex”
(2 360 sit-up + 4 V-up + 4 Rocking chair= 1 rep)
12 Bodyweight row (Scaled to ability in each round)

Complex: Maintain a quality hollow position during the performance of and transition between all three movements. Bodyweight row: Scale to full ability in each round. No easy reps.

And then, at cool-down pace, 3 rounds of:

1 minute Airdyne (Arms only)
1 minute Airdyne (Legs only)