physical. 01/23/16

The path.
The path of resistance.

18 Turkish Get-up @ 50-60% of 1RM (3L, 3R x 3)

Rest as needed between arms, and add a 2/1000 pause to any transition point that you are struggling with. If reps become singles or position breaks, adjust weight immediately.

Then, as quickly as possible, 3 rounds of:

3 Sled drag (20 yd. each @ BW)
9 Goblet squat @ 55lb. W, 70lb. M
12 Straight jump

There is no designated rest- if needed, keep it short and specific (3-5 breaths). Position and range of motion govern weight in squat- if designated weight breaks either, adjust one interval down and continue safely.

1 minute rest. And then, for max calories:

One minute Airdyne sprint

Breathe, focus, and drive. This is a sprint, not a jog- no pacing. Goal is matching output from last week; Matching effort should go without saying.

And finally:

3 minutes Airdyne (Arms only)
18 3/1000 Bodyweight row

3/1000 row: In this variation, we hold for a full 3/1000 count in the top position- whether it be chest-to-bar, chest-through-rings/ rope, our goal is keeping the chest even with the hands for the full count on all reps. Note: Always err on the side of counting a long 4/1000, and not a short 2/1000.