physical. 10/08/16

Board. July 2015.
Board (07/15).

10 rounds of:

2 Kettlebell clean (1L, 1R) + :30 sec. hold at top of each
10 Push-up
10 V-up
:20 sec. rest

Ability to hold for designated duration governs weight in each round. Start ambitious, and only adjust as needed. Scale push-up to ability in each round.

Advanced push-up suggestions include: Dynamic push-up, ring push-up, Hindu push-up.

Then, 5 rounds of:

1 Sled pull (20yd. each @ 1/2 BW)
10 Bodyweight row
1 Sled drag
(20yd. each @ 1/2 BW)
1 minute rest

”Drag” = forward, and “Pull” = backward. Hustle until the rest in each round.

And then:

10 x 5 Partial pull-up/ Chin-up/ mixed grip

From a dead hang, and while maintaining a rigid hollow position, initiate the pull-up/ chin-up movement up until about halfway, and then repeat from the bottom. Strength building, positional awareness, and active cool-down are all equal components of this simple drill.

Reminder! (Almost) all movements referenced above are demonstrated and noted on our Movement Library. Please use them to your advantage! No guessing!

Movement Library